How to export files from CycleOps PowerAgent (A) and upload tem to iQO2 (B)?
A. To export activity data from PowerAgent
You can export your workouts from the CycleOps PowerAgent software to a folder on your computer as a *.csv file. This export file format option is only available in PowerAgent 7.5 and later. If using an older version of PowerAgent, check the CycleOps website to update to the latest version for free.
- First start the PowerAgent Software.
- Select a user.
- Select the activity that you would like to export.
- Click File > Export > Activity Data… In the window that appears, name the file, choose the file format to export it as, and choose a location to save it to. Please be sure to select the "Files of Type:" as ‘CycleOps Power Data (*.csv)’ or ‘CycleOps Extended Power Data (*.csv)’, which will save the file on export as a .csv file.
B. Upload to iQO2
Once you have completed the steps as explained above, you will have a .csv file created and saved on your computer. Now you can upload the file to iQO2 with the device agent. Sign in to your account.
- Select Add Workout in the navigator. A pop-up appears.
- Select the Sport > Subactivity (Optional)….
- Select CycleOps.
- Select File..
- A pop-up is opened with a Windows Explorer window.
- Search the location and select the folder where the workout files are located.
- Double-click on the workout file you want to upload to iQO2. Follow the next steps of the wizard to finish the upload.
Once you have finished the wizard, you can analyze the data in iQO2. The workouts will be listed by activity and date in the Workouts - history/details. You can recognize the CycleOps workouts in the history list by the icon.