
How to export files from Polar WebSync (A) and upload them to iQO2 (B)?

A. Export from Polar Websync

You can export your training sessions from Polar Websync to a folder on your computer as a hrm. file.

  1. First start to open the Polar Websync Software

  2. Click the Training Computer button at the right side.

  3. Select Connect and press Start to activate sync mode on your device.

  4. Click your Polar device in the list and let it synchronize your training files.

  5. On the left slide click the Training Data button to get a list of available files.

  6. Check the boxes for the files you would like to export and select Export Selected.  A file dialogue box will pop up asking where to save the files. Select the folder where you want to save the data file. Enter a name for the file and click the Choose button.

Once you have completed the steps as explained above, you will have a .hrm file created and saved on your computer.

B. Upload to iQO2

Once you have saved the .hrm file, you can upload the files to iQO2.

  1. Sign in to your account and select Add Workouts   in the navigator.
  2. Select a Sport > Subactivity (Optional)….
  3. Select Polar. A pop-up is opened with a Windows Explorer window.
  4. Select the folder where you have saved the hrm file.
  5. Select the appropriate file type: Polar HRM (*.hrm). The workouts appears.
  6. Select  the workout file you want to upload and follow the next steps of the add workout wizard.

Once you have finished the wizard, you can analyze the data in iQO2. The workouts will be listed by activity and date in the Workouts - history/details. You can recognize the Polar workouts in the history list by the  icon.


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