
Click the Calendar icon  in the navigator to activate the calendar.

The calendar is a revolutionary way to plan workouts (ATHLETES & COACHES) or view the planned workouts (ATHLETES). This article familiarizes you with the different items of the calendar.

When you open the athlete calendar, you see four main parts:

A  The ribbon
The ribbon, which sits above the calendar, and includes a set of buttons and commands that you use to plan and view workouts. Learn more about the ribbon.

B The athlete calendar
With the calendar you can plan workouts & periodize events into the smallest details.

C The calendar items
Click on a Period/Event item and drag and drop it into the calendar.

D The coach library
The Library is your personal database of workouts and training plans you’ve created. You can use these libraries for planning in the calendar of your athletes. You can drag and drop workouts or whole training plans from your personal or the IQO2 demo library into the calendar of your athletes.


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