
How to transfer the files from your device to your computer (A) and upload them to iQO2 (B)?

A. Transfer the files to your computer

Plug in your usb Ant stick and turn on your Garmin Device. The ANT Agent application transfer the files to your computer and stores the sent history data.

The fitness data is located:

  1. Windows XP
    C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data\GARMIN\Devices\Unit ID folder\History1
  2. Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
    C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Garmin\Devices\Unit ID folder\History1

For most units, the data is stored in Garmin’s .TCX format. Garmin's newer units use the .FIT file instead. The .FIT files will be stored in the 'Activities folder' instead of the 'History folder'.

B. Upload to iQO2

Once the data files are stored, you can upload the files to iQO2. Sign in to your account and select Add Workouts   in the navigator. 

  1. Select the Sport > Subactivity (Optional)…
  2. Select Garmin.
  3. Select File .
  4. A pop-up is opened with a Windows Explorer window.
  5. Search for your Garmin file.

    • Select the location of your Garmin files.
    • Select *.tcx or *.fit.
  6. Double-click on the workout file you want to load up.
  7. Follow the next steps of the wizard to finish the upload.

Once you have finished the wizard, you can analyze the data in iQO2. The workouts will be listed by activity and date in the Workouts - history/details. You can recognize the Garmin workouts in the history list by the  icon.

Devices using Ant Agent to download files:

Forerunner 50, 60, 70, 310XT, 405, 405CX, 410, 610, 910, 910XT, and Garmin Swim.


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