In case of 'Work offline' problems; you need to reset the offline database and begin from scratch:
- Open iQO2 and 'Sign in' online (click 'Sign In', not 'Work Offline'). In case of a web-update message; perform the web-update first.
- Close iQO2
- Remove the 'Offline database':
Select the map 'C:\IQO2\Data\Sqlite' and remove 'iqo2.db'. - Remove the 'Sync settings':
Once you've done this; you need to remove the 'Sync' Settings out of the regestry. Open the Regestry Editor by clicking the 'Windows button' together with 'R'.
Then type there 'regedit' and click 'Ok'. - If Windows ask to confirm the changes, select 'Yes'.
Then you see the 'Registry Editor', navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IQO2\Settings\Sync and remove the date settings. - Restart iQO2, 'Sign in' online and select 'Sync'
in the navigator.