
When you create a new workout; you can choose to Add a Repeat Block to the workout. This article explains you how to do that.

Step 1: Add a repeat block

  1. Click on the Workout header.
  2. Click Add .
  3. Choose Add Repeat Block to Workout.. from the submenu.
  4. A pop-up appears.
    Enter a Description; fill in the number of repeats and click Ok.

  5. The Repeat block header appears in the editor.


Step 2: Add some exercises to the repeat block

  1. Click on the the Repeat block header.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Select Add Exercise to Repeat Block.. from the submenu.

Important! Be sure that you click on a Repeat block header if you want to add exercises to a repeat block. If you don’t select the repeat block first; the exercise will be added to the workout header.

If you have finished the repeat block; select the workout header and you can, if you wish, add a new exercise to the workout. If the workout is completed; Click Save to save the workout to your Library.

Important: Difference between ‘Add Exercise’ vs. ‘Add Recovery’

A repeat block is mostly a high-intensity exercise followed by a recovery phase. For the recovery exercise; we offer you two possibilities:

Select Add Recovery to Repeat Block.. Select Add Exercise to Repeat Block..
 If you select 'Add Recovery to Repeat Block' for the 2° exercise of a repeat block; the recovery after the last high-intensity exercise of the repeat block is not calculated in the automatic volume calculation.  If you select 'Add Exercise to Repeat Block' for the 2° exercise of the repeat block; the recovery after the last high-intensity exercise of the repeat block is calculated in the automatic volume calculation.
10' + (10' + 5' + 10') + 15' = 50' 10' + 2*(10' + 5') + 15' = 55'



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