
This article explains how to define the test protocol when you add a new sport lab test:

  1. Click on the Sport Lab tests icon  in the menu bar, to open the ‘Sport Lab Tests’.
  2. Click on Add to create a new sport lab test. The sport lab test wizard appears as a pop-up.
  3. The wizard will guide you through the steps to enter a sport lab test.
  4. Page 5/9 lets you define the Test protocol.


A. Different test parameters:

  1. Description
  2. Protocol type
    Describes the performance unit that will be used to execute the sport lab test.
  3. Load type
    Expressed as time or distance.
  4. Load
    Time or distance depending on selected load type.
  5. Initial load
    First load to start the sport lab test in step 1.
  6. Change of load
    Defines the amount of performance added to the previous step expressed as speed, watt or heart rate.
  7. Target load
    Enter the target load expressed as speeds, watt or heart rate to define the estimated final load. This could be a known maximum or a target above the known maximal performance.
  8. Number of steps
    Automatically calculated from previous protocol data or a free input number.
  9. Lactate points/step
    Number of lactate measurements /step.
  10. Rest between steps
    Rest time between steps.
  11. Exposure
    Maximal or submaximal exertion prescription.
  12. Ergospirometry
    Sport lab test with or without gas analysis.
  13. Sport lab test devices
    Description of test, heart rate, lactate and VO2 gas analysis devices.

B. Test protocol:

Auto defined by entering the necessary 'Test parameters' .

C. Save Test protocol:

Save a test protocol to your personal 'Test protocol' library to save time.

D. Select Test protocol:

Select a saved 'Test protocol'.

E. Manage Profiles:

Click on the Manage Profiles button and:

  • Add new protocols to the protocol database,
  • Edit existing protocols or
  • Delete protocols in the protocol database




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